
Skeleton Project 란 단어를 Maven 의 plug-in tool인 archetype 을 통해서 영어 번역도중 발견하였다.

음.. 과연 왜 저런말을 쓸까? 왠지 좀.. 더미 프로젝트 느낌이 나는데 싶어서 한글로 구글에 검색해

보니 나오지가 않는다. 그래서 what is skeleton project? 라고 검색 하니 아래 위키가 나왔다.

Skeleton programming is a style of computer programming based on simple high-level program structures and so called dummy code. Program skeletons resemble pseudocode, but allow parsing, compilation and testing of the code.

Dummy code is inserted in a program skeleton to simulate processing and avoid compilation error messages. It may involve empty function declarations, or functions that return a correct result only for a simple test case where the expected response of the code is known.

Skeleton programming facilitates a top-down design approach, where a partially functional system with complete high-level structures is designed and coded, and this system is then progressively expanded to fulfill the requirements of the project.

Program skeletons are sometimes used for high-level descriptions of algorithms.

A program skeleton may also be utilized as a template that reflects syntax and structures commonly used in a wide class of problems.

Skeleton programs are utilized in the template method design pattern used in object-oriented programming. See that article for examples of skeleton programs.

In object-oriented programming, dummy code corresponds to an abstract method, a method stub or a mock object. In RMI nomenclature, a skeleton communicates on the client-side with a stub on the server-side.[1]

출처 : http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skeleton_%28computer_programming%29

결론적으로, 더미 프로젝트라는 느낌으로 보면 될 듯 하다.

보통의 framework에서 소스의 packaging 구조를 잡아주고, 그 이하 샘플 코들르 넣어둬서

만드는 프로젝트 즉, 테스트 템플릿 프로젝트를 skeleton project 라고 지칭하는것  같다.

 - 2013.07.04 랑이씀 -


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